Purpose of the Council
The purpose of the council is to promote participation of Alumni Association members in the affairs of the institution. Specifically, the council:
- initiates activities which promote the strengthening of the relationship between alumni and the school.
- initiates activities which enhance the education of students of the school and promote the strengthening of the relationship between alumni and students.
- serves as a clearinghouse for alumni views and the inter-change of alumni ideas.
- act as the official voice of alumni sentiment to the administration and as an avenue by which administration has access to alumni collectively.
- encourages and maintains a relationship with the Board of Overseers of Geisel School of Medicine to provide opportunities for transmitting alumni viewpoints and for exchanging ideas concerning programs and policies.
- initiates and carries on such other undertakings as are reasonable within the province of alumni activities.
Nomination Process
The Bylaws of the Council state that Geisel School of Medicine classes may select a nominees for consideration by the Council. Classes are invited to nominate a representative during their reunion weekend. Self-nominations are also acceptable. Based on the tabulation of votes, the name of the individual is presented and voted upon by the Alumni Council.
Criteria for Membership
- Attendance at two alumni council meetings annually: one in the fall, one in the spring. Attendance is required at least one of the two meetings.
- Membership on one of the standing committees: World Health, Fund for Geisel School of Medicine, Communications/Alumni Affairs, Student Life/Mentoring and Advising.
- Contribution to the Annual Fund for Geisel School of Medicine. Support of alumni activities promoted by the Council and the Office of Alumni Relations (e.g. contacting your class to share news of Geisel School of Medicine, volunteering to talk to student interest groups, participating in mock interview sessions, acting as a nominal host for alumni gatherings in your geographic area or at a professional specialty meeting, etc.)
- The term of office is five years (ten meetings).