Welcome to the Student Connect Portal
This portal is your entry into connecting with alumni based on specialty, residency location, city/state, and HOSTs. Create an account to access this search function. Have an account? Log in here.
Portal access will be granted within two business days of your request.
Alumni listed in the Student Connect Portal have given permission for students to contact them directly using the information linked to their name. If you have any questions about this directory or need to report abuse of this system, please contact the Office of Alumni Engagement at Geisel.Alumni.Relations@Dartmouth.edu or 603-646-5135.
- This directory is intended for direct personal contact between members of the GeiselAlumni.org Community. Use of information in this directory for any other purpose is strictly prohibited.
- Please be respectful of alumni during your correspondence.
- Limit your outreach to three (3) or four (4) alumni per day.
- Use each search engine for its intended use and do not cross your asks (ie. do not email an alum in the specialty network asking for a place to stay).
- Your access will be revoked for any abuse of these guidelines.
Join the Geisel Specialty Network and HOST Program
Share your experiences and background with a current medical student, intern, or resident who is beginning to work in your field. Join here.